Previous news items
Items below were previously published in 'club news' on our home page.
- Well done to Ajan Reginald who brought a Celixir XI (including some others of our club) to play against a Hockey for Heroes mixed team at Bisham Abbey to support Anna Hadley (who needs a heart transplant) and to raise funds for GOSH and the British Heart Foundation. Two mixed matches were played, it rained and over £350 was raised. A fantastic day. Please help and go to Anna's fundraising page at https://bit.ly/2WcfCql
- Congratulations also to Ben and Zoe on your wedding, we wish you both every happiness! (20/10/18)
- Congratulations to Hannah and Paul on your wedding, wishing you both all the happiness in the world! (13/10/18)
- Well done to Lizzy Pocknell for making into the Mercia lynx U15 Futures Cup squad. Fantastic achievement. The Futures Cup supports national age group selection and is competed for by 4 teams made up from the regions of England.
- Well done to George Holding for being selected for the u18 England Red team to play against two other England teams, Ulster and Scotland at the School Games in Loughborough at the end of August.
- Three Warwick members volunteered at the Women’s Hockey World Cup in London recently. Marije Tunnicliffe was in hospitality, Elizabeth Holding in Hockey Maker Services and James Taylor was Team Liason for the Korean team.
- Congratulations to David Harris who played for England Master O60s to win a silver medal in the World Masters in Spain.
- Umpire coaching update evening - 21st September at our club house. For all current, training and prospective umpires, all team captains and any other interested members. Get there for 6pm, should be finished for 8pm.
- Congratulations to Nick and Lucy Baker on the arrival of Ralphie, William, Angus born on 8th December.
- Congratulations to Seb and Becky Fleet on the arrival of their first child, Oscar Ronald Fleet. Seb says "He came 9 weeks early at only 2lbs 8 to make sure he didn't miss pre-season training! We're delighted to have him home after several weeks in hospital and he's settling in really well". (Published 18/10/17)
- Congratulations to Chris and Haley Roberts on the safe arrival of Ethan Alexander born on 9th July 2017 at 1.07pm! (published 17/07/17)
- Harry Stone has been selected for 'UK Lions' U13s, fantastic news and a tribute to the development coaching work in our juniors section. Well done Harry! (Published 13/06/17)
- Congratulations to our Sharon Heydon and partner John on the arrival of their beautiful baby Ava Rose on 9th June. (published 13/06/17)
- Engagement news! Congratulations to Becky Weaver who has announced her engagement to Callum, another wedding to look forward to, all those exciting plans ! (Published 30/05/17)
- Wedding news! Congratulations to the new Mr & Mrs Selby, well done Tom and Kim, we wish you both all the very best. (Published 28/05/17)
- A new spring baby; Finlay McLester, congratulations to Neil and Ali! (Published 14/03/17)
- New Year and a new club baby to announce. Congratulation to James and Gemma Barrett and their new baby daughter, Darcy Aurora Fay. (Published 22/01/17)
- Engaged! Congratulations to Christina and Ant. (Published 17/12/16)
- Simon and Lucy Shepherd are proud parents of their new son, Beau, congratulations! (Published 23/11/16)
- More baby news: Congratulations to Emlyn and Sarah Evans who welcomed Arthur Charles Thomas on 15th November. The future of our Junior section is looking great! (Published 19/11/16)
- Our Juniors took part in their first tournament of the season. Read Dave's report on our Juniors teams page. (Published 09/10/16)
- Lucy McEvoy selected for HiPAC. Well done! Read more (Published 02/10/16)
- Congratulations to Chris and Anka Waller and the safe arrival of Violet, Aletta born on 26th September. Well done, another club member we hope, so get her signed up for Juniors soon, we have a waiting list. (Published 28/09/16)
- We have entered a Womens O35s side into the England Hockey Trophy and Shield competition. Round 1 is on 16th (or 23rd) October, round 2 is on 6th (or 13th) November. If you are interested in joining our team please get in touch with Clare Noad or Liz Holding, contact us. (Published 19/09/16)
- Phil Heelis update: As most of you know Phil has been a part of our club for many years and in recent times he has done a lot of umpiring for us. Mike Heelis informed us that Phil's specialist consultant has deferred the planned triple heart bypass operation and is looking at other routes forward. Mike said that Phil was very touched by all the good wishes he received. We continue to wish him a speedy & full recovery and hope to see him back at the club soon. (Published 12/09/16)
- On Friday 9th September our 'select'(?) hockey section team played in a social and fun rounders event against the cricket and tennis sections at the club house. We came a close third, well done to Phil, George & Ben, (3 x Holding's) Nick, Freddie & Bertie (3 x Herd's), Hannah Wishart, Paul Lowbridge, John Kane and Chris Langley . Thank you Liz Holding for organising us! (Published 10/09/16)
- Reserve the date and keep an eye out for details on Club day 2016 as we make our plans, some hockey of course, Olympic gold medalist guest and a BBQ back at our Club house - it is always a great family oriented social event. #hockeyfest. See last years news report here. (Updated 04/09/16)
- Phil Heelis has been a part of our club for many years and in recent times Phil has done a lot of umpiring for us. Phil's specialist consultant has deferred the planned triple heart bypass operation and is looking at other routes forward. Mike Heelis tells us that Phil was very touched by all the good wishes he received. We continue to wish him a speedy & full recovery and hope to see him back at the club soon. (Published 12/09/16)
- Congratulations to Sam Brain and Carly on the arrival of Emilie Grace Brain born 9/7/16 7lb9. Proud Sam writes "Both Emilie and Carly are doing amazingly well , just keeping us up all night. Lets hope she is a better hockey player then me". (Published 13/07/16)
- More baby news; congratulations to Helen Barron (known to us all as Mo) on the arrival of Alice Penny on 4th July (Published 07/07/16).
- Chris Roberts has sent in a request: "I'm competing in this years Guide Dogs Coniston Challenge, this is a physical competition including a 10km Hike, 12km Mountain bike and a 2km Kayak. We have a fundraising target of £2000 and aim to achieve this by completing several fundraising events throughout this year." Read more about the Guide Dogs Coniston Challenge. Chris' Just giving page is https:
//www. . (Published 05/07/16)justgiving. com/Coniston-2016 - Work on resurfacing the two Warwick School pitches has started! Looking forward to the start of the new season on new surfaces! (Published 05/07/16).
- There is a Safe Guarding and First Aid training course arranged by Solihull Active on 20th June. This could be of interest to may of you and is free of charge. Check out their website where you can book on the course:
http://www.solihullactive.co.uk/coaches/Training (Published 28/05/16) - Our Badgers had a great season, Andy Griffin arranged an End of Season party and awards, check out the news article. (Published 28/05/16)
- A belated congratulations to Mel and Ian Best on the safe arrival of their new beautiful baby girl, Molly Mae, on 14th April. (Published 28/05/16)
- Summer League is underway for our 2 Women's sides and our Men's 2 teams start 9th May onward. Check out the upcoming fixtures below and in our members area. (Published 01/05/16)
- Congratulations to Marije Tunnicliffe who has been selected as a Games maker for the Champions trophy in London,10th to 26th June. Look out for Widge on TV! (Published 01/05/16)
- The Warwick Sports Club AGM will be held at the club on Sunday 8th May at 6:30pm. (Published 11/04/16)
- Liz Holding is off to China! Liz and her sister are climbing and walking parts of The Great Wall as a Charity Challenge. They are funding the trip themselves and any money they can raise will go to a terrific charity; MacMillan Cancer Support. Please consider supporting Liz by visiting and donating at https://www.justgiving.com/Elizabeth-Holding. 11/04/16
- Great effort by Alistair Clark, Sam Brain and John Kane on completing the Warwick half marathon! JK plans to take on the Leeds half marathon on 8th May, and states he will hang up his running shoes after that... Anyone else undertaking a significant sporting challenge? 3/4/16
- Another baby to welcome. Proud Dad, Dan Honey-Smith; "Very pleased to announce the birth of George Honey-Smith yesterday at 18.51 weighing in at 8lb 15oz. Both Sara and George are doing awesome!!"
Well done Dan & Sara, congratulations from us all. 22/03/16 - Many congratulations to Pippa Wassall and her partner James; Pippa gave birth to Jacob on Valentine's Day. Many congratulations also go to Clare Noad and her partner Anna. Anna gave birth to Quinn two days earlier. Hockey players of the future we hope! 15/03/16