Club umpires, we appreciate you!
We are proud to support and celebrate our club volunteer umpires, after all, they give up their time so we can play our games!
Our umpire coordinator, Liz Holding, with the full support of our committee, has been busy behind the scenes organizing and encouraging our club members to volunteer to umpire. We will help you with training courses, which we will pay for, once you start to volunteer. So step up and contact Liz to find out how you can get involved in this important club supporting inititive.
To encourage our members to volunteer to umpire we have a new incentive scheme:
- Fox Blast Whistle (for your first game) and a free drink at our bar and tea after every home game.
- WHC Umpire Polo Shirt (5 games)
- WHC Umpire Sweatshirt (10 games)
- WHC Umpire Jacket (20 games)
This incentive scheme is supported by our lead sponsors, Cafe Rouge and Las Iguanas.
For those not wishing to receive the incentives you can, if you wish, claim £10.00 per match (& discretionary mileage for away games).
Interested in volunteering to umpire?
We encourage all players and friends of our club to consider and volunteer to umpire. We will support you to get training through England Hockey registered courses. We will pay you for the course cost when you volunteer to umpire. You can look up England Hockey umpire courses here.
A special thank you for 60 years!

Chris Duppa_Miller
Club umpire sweatshirts are awarded after 10 games, top work thank you!

Chris Duppa-Miller

Marije Tunnicliffe

Michelle Saunders
Club umpire polo shirts are awarded after 5 games, well done, keep it going!

John Carder, first to 5 games on 20th October. Top work!

Michelle Saunders

Marije Tunnicliffe reaches 5 games on 3rd November.

George Holding

Chris Dupper-Miller reaches 5 games on 10th November

Mike Edwards

And Hadley reaches 5 games on 18th November
Our club umpires have already started receiving their Fox Blast Whistles
Congratulations and you are making a great contribution!

Ben Cooper receiving his whistle from Liz Holding

Mike Edwards

Chris Duppa-Miller

Toby Arnold

Archie Gale

Claire Sheahan

Dave McCunn

Liz Gilchrist

Andy Hadley

Liz Holding

Steve Dellow

Geoff Gowers

Peter McLeish

Mike Heelis

Dave Metcalfe

Suzi Richardson

John Carder and Lynsey Perry

Michelle Saunders

Gaz Armstrong

Nicki Breeds and Stewart Seymour

Tom Selby

Nick Herd

Dave Bryce

Steve Chidlow

George Holding and Marije Tunnicliffe

Ellen Donaldson

Andrew Dellow

Ian MacDonald

Lucas van der Schalk and David Harris

Dave Kelly

Freddie Herd

John MacDonald
Others that have umpired but we didn't yet get a picture of are:
Angela Briggs, Louisa Briggs, Kirstin Bryce, Phil Foster and Dom Simpson.