Club day 2016 #HockeyFest

Our Club day #HockeyFest is on 17th September starting at Aylesford 12;30 to 17:00 with various fun mini games and possibly rounders, and afterwards from 17:00 for a BBQ at our Club house for a BBQ through to around 21:00.
We are delighted that Olympic Gold Medalist Hannah Macleod will be joining us during the afternoon, hopefully some Q&As, chance to see a gold medal and a few photos no doubt!
Back at our Club house we will have a BBQ and raffles for funds in support of Teenage Cancer Trust are among the plans.
Thanks to our Kit coodinator, Ant Baxter, we have a new kit supplier, AKUMA. The new kit is similar to the original design, in a newer material. Samples of the new shirts, shorts and skorts in all sizes will be available on Club day to see and try on, and place order via Ant.
This year will give us a great family hockey occasion to set us up for the season.
More details to follow soon!
See last years Club day report here.
We are proud to support Teenage Cancer Trust, please visit their website and find out more and how you can help support them too.