Andy Halliday with Nick Herd as we donate £250 to Alzheimers Research and mark our 100 Seasons with the framed stick for our clubhouse
100 Seasons donation to charity
One of our prizes for the 100 Seasons Raffle was a replica stick, produced by Grays, in recognition and support for Imran Sherwani who has recently revealed he has Alzeimers, you can read about Imran and Alzheimers here. Imran was one of GB's Olympic Gold Medallists from Seoul 1988, our first ever hockey gold! You can read about Hockey Gold at Seoul Olympics 1988 here.
Imran Sherwani is also connected to a key moment in our club history, Imran was one of an all star invitational team that came to open St Nic's astro in which our Mens 1s played. You can read about this in our History - Opening of St Nic's.
The 100 Seasons Raffle raised valuable funds and it was agreed by the Executive Committee that we should donate £250 to the charity Alzheimers Research. Chris Langley got in contact with Zac, Imran's son, and shared this information and the connections and pictures we have with Imran. Unfortunately Imran's condition now means his is not able to get out much but he did send us a wonderful letter of appreciation.

Presentation of the 100 Seasons stick
Our very own Liz Holding won the Grays stick in the raffle and generously donated it back to our club to mark the centenary events. Thank you Liz!.
Nick Herd arranged to have the stick framed so it can be hung up in our club house. With Imran not in a position for us to present our donation directly to him, we were fortunate to find out that Andy Halliday, former GB Manager, is taking part in the London Marathon and also raising money for Alzeimers Research, so we arranged for Andy to join us at our clubhouse where we noted our donation via Andy's efforts and marked the framing of the Grays replica stick along with the poster signed by all participants of the 100 Seasons events, which will be hung in our clubhouse soon!