Club house changing room decorating
Each of the sections that make up the Sports Club have each agreed to redecorate one of the changing rooms. Ours is the middle changing room, Cricket are working on the first changing room and the Tennis section have completed the third changing room.
On Sunday 21st I joined Phil at the club house to help with some painting.....
Almost single handed Phil has filled, rubbed down, filled some more, rubbed down again, painted undercoat and applied top coat to the middle changing room at the club house, and it is starting to look smart!
I joined Phil on Sunday morning to help with some final (we hope) top coat painting. Phil has decorated almost the entire room; you can blame me for any poor blue paint work on the door itself! The rest looks excellent.
Next Sunday the plan is for the carpet tiles to go down; Dave Harris is planing to assist Phil but I am sure another pair of hands would be appreciated. Then just about done!
For a finishing touch, Liz is looking into getting some silhouette hockey images for the walls, like the Tennis section have put up in the end changing room.
Great effort Phil!
One last push.